7 Quick Takes Friday


January 18, 2013 by Sarah

I’m trying out something new and linking up with Jen for 7 Quick Takes Friday! We’ll see if this becomes a regular thing, or not.

— 1 —

I’m getting so excited for our ultrasound on Tuesday where we get to find out if baby #2 is a he or a she! I honestly have no idea. At the beginning I thought it was a boy, and more recently I’ve wondered if it’s a girl. We decided to have a little gender revealing party to find out the news with some friends and family. I’ll share more about it next week!

— 2 —


Um, my husband built a fence this past weekend. He’s never done it before in his life, and he made it look so easy. Our old fence was 50 years old, obviously from the photo, and a section of it toppled over after a slight wind storm. Pat has really embraced the new homeowner role, and I’m definitely very into my man and his tools.

— 3 —

My awesome sister-in-law and brother-in-law got me a month’s subsciption to For the Makers for Christmas and I just got the January box. I had never heard of the site before and loved browsing it, it’s pretty awesome. Each subscription essentially is a box shipped to your door with 4 DIY projects. I’m most excited about the cuff and magnets in the box I just got.

— 4 —


In between first trimester morning sickness and the weather becoming a lot colder, it had been forever since I’d been to our farmer’s market. I finally made it out last Sunday, Gianna in tow, and had so much fun. Gianna snacked on slices of persimmon and Asian pear while I got our produce for the week.

I was amazed, once again, at how much $25 can get you at the market. A 5lb bag of oranges, apples, celery, carrots, chard, onion, eggs, and cheese. All locally produced and almost all organic. My favorite purchase of the day was the thick wedge of garlic Gouda, a treat for my hard working husband.

— 5 —

What the heck Manti T’eo? This story is so weird.

— 6 —

I have no idea why, but all of a sudden, I have strong desires to use my slower cooker. Maybe it’s one of those pregnancy things, but I really just want slow cooked, tender meat with soft root vegetables. I picked up a few slower cooker cookbooks at the library today. I can’t wait to browse through them.

— 7 —

I’m embarrassed to admit it, but I’ve officially been sucked into the Bachelor. It always happens the same way every time. I get slightly interested at some point in the season, I decide to watch just one episode, and then I can’t stop watching. This season, we’re starting at the very beginning. I can’t help it. Sean just seems like a great guy!

Maybe I’m not actually embarrassed about it, I can’t decide.


What do you think?