Friday Quick Takes (vol. 12)


September 27, 2013 by Sarah

Things have been a little crazy over here, so I think we’ll take a break from my little series on how we’ve been surviving the first few months of two under two (if you missed it, part 1 and part 2) and do some quick takes!

one. So, why are things so crazy? We just got back from our first trip on an airplane with our two little ones. We were those parents, on the way up, with two little ones taking turns wailing for the first 20 minutes of the flight. The trip back was much easier, thank goodness, but now we have two sickies on our hands. Sadly, sick Caleb = baby wanting to be held non-stop while sleeping = very tired mama. I hope this doesn’t last long.

two. Oh, Jimmy Fallon, you are quite funny. I found this video and also this one via Facebook and thought they were pretty entertaining.

three. I would say that I’m a pretty decent vegetable gardener, but my skills at taking care of indoor plants leave much to be desired. I’m a particularly horrible orchid taker-carer. Orchids are so low-maintenance (only needing 1 watering a week), but they’re also so high-maintenance (you have to water them just the right way.) I just can’t get myself to water them. Lucky for me, my uncle and mom shared with me the secret ice cube watering trick. Short on time? Just place 3 ice-cubes in your orchid pot, and consider your orchid taken care of. I’m pretty sure this isn’t supposed to take the place of regular watering, but I have a feeling this is how my orchids are getting their moisture for the rest of their lives.

four. I’m LOVING the new Audrey Assad album. A friend got it for me recently and I can’t get enough of it. Never heard of her? Check out her website here.

five. Where did summer go? All I know is that pretty much all our summer vegetable plants are dying back, and it’s time to make a whole lot of pesto with all our basil. My plan is to make as much as I can and freeze it for the upcoming months. I get so excited when I learn more and more of the things that you can freeze! I use this pesto recipe, minus the lemon and swapping in basil for parsley, or a combination of both.

six. I can’t get over how cute my daughter is! There are so many moments when I just want to smother her with kisses or crack up at the hilarious things that come out of her mouth. These days, Gianna is really into sharing her food. At the park, she is always handing out watermelon, pretzels, and even tiny peas to all her friends and their mamas. It got even better though when she started sharing her walnuts with random strangers in line to board our flight at the airport! I hope this loving-to–share thing lasts for a very long time.

seven. For once in my life, I was ahead of the trend. I scored some awesome, thick wedged, black booties at a night market in Taipei back in December, and guess what I saw on my favorite fashion blog this week? Kendi making the same prediction I did. I was pretty proud of myself. (:

For more Quick Takes, visit Conversion Diary!


  1. Traci Gants says:

    I love reading your posts!

  2. Amy says:

    Congratulations on the new baby! and surviving your first flight with both of them! Thanks for sharing the pesto recipe, cant wait to try it!

  3. […] I happened to snag at a night market in Taipei last winter for about $15, along with those boots I mentioned earlier. Mine is almost exactly like Kendi’s. Now, the pressure is on the next time I go to Taiwan, […]

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