Our Blue or Pink Party


January 23, 2013 by Sarah


The little mango-sized baby moving around in my growing belly is a baby boy! Pat and I are super excited to add a little guy to our family.

The photo above is how we found out the gender of our baby. Have you heard of these gender reveal parties? I had read about them and thought it was a fun idea. I wasn’t sure if we would be able to make it work, but we actually pulled it together. There’s probably a ton of different ways to have the party, but here’s how we did it.

  • We scheduled our ultrasound for earlier in the day (noon) and set our party for dinner at 6PM.
  • The theme for our party was, easy. As in, we sent an evite out 2 weeks before to family and close friends and made the food simple. Pizza, salad, and cake. Anything more would have been too overwhelming and resulted in the party just not happening.
  • The cake was actually the hardest part. The whole point of the it is to reveal the gender by it’s hidden inner layer of icing (blue or pink), which we wouldn’t be able to tell the bakery until after the ultrasound, obviously. I had to really negotiate with the woman at the bakery because the turnaround time was super tight. The way we ended up working it out is that I put in the order for the cake in advance (the Friday before a Tuesday appointment), so that they could get it started in the morning. I would head straight to the bakery after the appointment to let them know how to finish off the cake.
  • And, how did we let them know the gender without finding out? We asked our friendly ultrasound technician not to tell us the gender of our baby, but to write it down and seal it in an envelope. This, we brought on over to the bakery.

So now, it’s time to get ready for a boy. I have no idea what that even means, except that he probably doesn’t want to wear his sister’s pink and frilly clothes. I guess you have to start somewhere, right?


  1. […] fun to have some friends and family over for a low key gender revealing party. You can read over on Sarah’s blog how we pulled it together. It turned out well and it was kind of exciting to find out with loved […]

  2. A boy!!!!!! Well at least he’ll have USC and Giants gear to wear! 😉

  3. we have TONS of boy clothes if you need to borrow! 😀

  4. Rob Johnson says:

    Love the cake idea! And I don’t want to point out that i was right, but I was right. 😉 Excited meet the new baby Ku!

  5. Josie Lai says:

    Patrick “insert middle name here” Ku jr? 🙂

  6. So his name is gonna be Shawn, right?

  7. Peter Kim says:

    Yay! Finally!! A boy cousin Evan can play with. Excited for u and Pat!

  8. Peggy Chen says:

    Awesome idea and congrats!

  9. Sarah Ku says:

    Tiffany Wang Chan We could totally use boy clothes! We only have pink… or very pink things. 🙂

  10. […] of our baby, I still can’t believe we’re having a boy! The whole experience of doing a gender reveal party made for a very full day and a very tired pregnant momma by night. I feel like it still […]

  11. […] a little sheepish to admit that after all the gender revealing party fun and craziness, I found myself skeptical of if our baby was really a boy after all. Could the […]

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